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Create a custom web component

What is a web component?

A web component is a custom HTML element that can be used in your templates to implement complex behaviors. In the solution we used them here as "wrappers" for React components to be able to use them with Handlebars. More information about web components in general can be found here.

"Custom web component"

By default, several components are available (see the complete list). If these does not fit your requirement, you can still create your own.

Web component creation process

Web component creation process comes in two distinct steps:

  1. Create the component class and its React sub components.
  2. Register the component information for discovery.

Create the component logic and sub components

A web component is typically composed of these parts:

  • A web component class derived from the native HTMLElement class.
  • A main React component to be rendered inside the web component.

To create new component:

  • In your extensibility library project, create a new MyComponent.ts JSX file.
  • Create a new class extending the abstract class BaseWebComponent. This class must have at least the connectedCallback() method from base interface HTMLElement.

    export class MyCustomComponentWebComponent extends BaseWebComponent {
        public constructor() {
        public async connectedCallback() {
  • Create a new regular React component (in the same file or a separate file and as class or hook):

    export interface IObjectParam {
        myProperty: string;
    export interface ICustomComponentProps {
         * A sample string param
        myStringParam?: IObjectParam;
         * A sample object param
        myObjectParam?: string;
    export interface ICustomComponenState {
    export class CustomComponent extends React.Component<ICustomComponentProps, ICustomComponenState> {
        public render() {
            // Parse custom object
            const myObject: IObjectParam = this.props.myObjectParam;
            return <div>{this.props.myStringParam} {myObject.myProperty}</div>;

In this solution, web components are considered stateless, meaning they will be entirely recreated when an attribute is changed (coming from the property pane). It means you can still use an internal state in your React components but not rely on the parent context (props) since it will be recreated every time by the Handlebars template if a property pane value is updated. The componentDidMount() method will be called every time in this case (not componentDidUpdate()).

  • In your web component class, render your React component:

    public async connectedCallback() {
        let props = this.resolveAttributes();
        const customComponent = <CustomComponent {...props}/>;
        ReactDOM.render(customComponent, this);

The resolveAttributes() method will look at all data-* HTML attributes in your web component custom element node and return a corresponding key/value pair object with values in their guessed type that you can pass directly to your React component as props. By convention, web component attributes have to be passed using camel case to be tranformed into React component props. For instance: a data-my-string-param HTML attribute becomes myStringParam prop.

Supported guessed types for attributes are boolean, string, date and object. All non supported types will be passed a string. HTML attributes must use the data- prefix to be retrieved correctly.

To pass JSON objects, you can use the JSONstringify Handlebars helper. If valid JSON, they will be returned as objects by the resolveAttributes() method.


    data-my-string-param="Default value" 
    data-my-object-param="{{JSONstringify this 2}}"

Register component information

The next step is to fill information about your new component. In the library main entry point (i.e. the class implementing the IExtensibilityLibrary in interface) return a new IComponentDefinition object in the getCustomWebComponents() method using these properties:

Property Description
componentName The name for your component. This name will be used as the custom HTML element name (ex: <my-custom-component>).
componentClass The web component class for that component.
public getCustomWebComponents(): IComponentDefinition<any>[] {
    return [
            componentName: 'my-custom-component',
            componentClass: MyCustomComponentWebComponent